How to Commit to Summer Holiday Reading
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How to Commit to Summer Holiday Reading

It’s hard to squeeze reading into term-time diaries, so summer holidays are the perfect time to turn it into a habit. Remember – you’re on holiday, so reading shouldn’t feel like a chore! Here’s how to make the most of your break and discover some new books you love along the way.

‘Books are a uniquely portable magic’.
Stephen King

Reading extensively is about reading longer books for pleasure. And the summer break offers the perfect opportunity for this sort of reading. So, now for the important question: How will you select your summer holiday reads?

• First, ask yourself this question: ‘What do you enjoy reading the most?’ Select a few books that tick those boxes.

• Now, consider trying a few books that fall outside of your favourite genre. Reading a range of titles can help increase your vocabulary, develop new ideas about topics and raise awareness and understanding of their themes.


‘And to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading’.
Jane Austen

Planning your summer reads

Penguin Readers have a brand new range of books for you to choose from including fiction, non-fiction and classics. There’s something to suit everyone, with new titles including Slumdog Millionaire, Climate Rebels, Serena Williams, The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic and many more

1. Think about your personal goal for summer reading. How many books do you want to read? Can you challenge yourself to read a book a week? How about every two weeks?

2. Print off the reading record log and use this to keep a record of your progress.

Getting started

Here are some tips for integrating reading into your summer holiday routine:

• Set time aside for reading every day. For some, this may be 15 minutes a day and for others an hour or more.

• Choose a time that suits you. You could read first thing in the morning, or set a reminder to read thirty minutes before bedtime.

• Set realistic goals. Unrealistic targets can decrease motivation. Remember any form of reading for a set amount of time is beneficial.

• Read at least a chapter a day. This will help you get into a regular habit of reading.

• Try dedicating an entire day to reading your favourite book. Make the most of your flexible schedule. Head outdoors to the park, beach, or even your garden and see if you can complete a whole book in a day.


contemporary novels | Home learning | non-fiction | Study techniques