When the young sailor “Ishmael” decides to sail on the Pequod with the mysterious Captain Ahab, he has no idea about Ahab’s plans to get revenge on the great white whale Moby Dick. Ahab wants to find and kill the whale at any cost – even if it means losing his ship and his crew.
One night when Walter Hartwright is walking home, he meets and helps the mysterious ‘woman in white’. Soon after this meeting, Walter starts a job as a drawing teacher in the north of England and falls in love with his student, Laura Fairlie. But Laura is engaged to Sir Percival Glyde. Then Laura receives a
White Teeth is the story of three very different families who live close together in London in the 1980s and 1990s. The Bowdens are part-Jamaican; the Iqbals are from Bangladesh; and the Chalfens white. The story looks at how people’s pasts affect their lives now, and the lives and futures of their children. With carefully
Winston Smith re-writes history for the Ministry of Truth in Oceania. Big Brother and the Thought Police watch everyone for signs of Thought Crime. But when Winston falls in love with Julia, he begins to have new ideas and hopes. Winston and Julia start to question the world that they live in – but Big