Surrounded by Idiots

Do you ever think you’re the only one making any sense? Or have you tried to persuade someone of something, with no success? Surrounded by Idiots offers a simple, yet creative way for assessing and dealing with the personalities of people we communicate with—both in and out of the office. With carefully adapted text, new

The Godfather

Michael Corleone is determined not to join his family’s criminal businesses. He wants to live a normal life and marry his American girlfriend, Kay. But when members of his family are attacked, Michael realises that he has to take revenge. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations, language practise activities and additional online resources, the Penguin

Girl, Woman, Other

Girl, Woman, Other is a powerful novel about race and the lives and journeys of twelve people. It celebrates the importance of coming together to share, love, and take care of each other. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations, language practise activities and additional online resources, the Penguin Readers series introduces language learners to bestselling


Half-sisters Effia and Esi are born into different villages in Ghana. The sisters’ lives follow different paths: Effi marries a wealthy Englishman, while Esi is captured and sold into slavery. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations, language practise activities and additional online resources, the Penguin Readers series introduces language learners to bestselling authors and compelling